5 Easy Tips How Not To Be Broke
Aren’t you tired of not being able to concentrate on anything because you’re frustrated?
Frustrated because you’re broke and just plain anxious with all the problems that keep coming your way?
I felt that way before and you do right now.
You’re broke and that gives way to more problems.
You haven’t been a responsible spender.
You have been living way above your means.
And these consequences are affecting everything: your relationship with your loved ones, your work, your thoughts, and your actions. It’s as if this problem is all that you have.
And you know what? This isn’t the first time you’re broke. Been there, done that but you can’t seem to learn your lesson!
When you have the money you forget to save, to spend wisely. And that’s shameful because you are already an adult! You should be more responsible!
You might have several solutions in mind that will help but are not quick enough because right now you need cash! And what’s worse is that you’re thinking of borrowing money though you know it’s going to bury you deeper in this hole you’re in.
You want to get out of this crippling cycle!
Lots of ways but they will require a lot of patience and effort. But then again, if you’re serious about getting out of the broke-most-of-the-time situation, you have to suck it in.
1. Using public transport to work instead of bringing your car to work.
Commuting is more budget-friendly because you do not have to spend on gas or parking. Let’s be honest here. Parking and gas empty up your wallet fast.
You just have to be patient with the traffic, the driver of the public transport vehicle you’ll be riding on, your fellow commuters, and the smoke!
The positive thing is you’ll definitely save some cash.
2. Stop eating out!
Eat at home. Prepare and cook your own meals.
Sometimes you’ll say that you’re too tired or too hungry (or both) to prepare your meal but a few minutes to spare for you to cook or reheat food won’t kill you. Eating a home cook meal is also healthier. Again, patience is the key.
If and when you really cannot avoid eating out, do it only when necessary. And if you live in the Philippines, bring extra rice if you can because extra rice in restaurants ain’t cheap.
3. Bring your own lunch and snacks to the office
This takes time and effort to prepare so better to do it right after dinner. If there’s some leftover food from dinner, you can have that for lunch too as long as you store it properly in the fridge.
Buying your lunch or snacks out also tempts you to spend more at times because you tend to binge eat especially when you’re stressed.
4. Do not spend money on items you do not need
That goes on your grocery and clothes and other whatnots. Have a to-buy list and stick to that list.
Stay away from stores or stalls or online shopping sites that tempt you to buy things that you do not need like that cheap blouse or that cheap cologne or that cheap post-it note!
You’ll make up excuses that it’s cheap but small amounts when brought together is a big amount. That is actually an amount you could have saved!
5. Make a budget and stick to it no matter what
Be practical in deciding what is a need and what is a want.
Be intentionally responsible.
Stop making excuses that you’re tired or depressed and you want to eat out or buy this or that.
Live within your means and that means saying no to some family members or friends on things, not on your budget. They will understand and maybe even suggest other things you could do without spending too much.
Set aside for savings first and payables like rent and utilities. What is left is what you spend.
Your Action Plan
You might be grumbling about giving up a lot at this point but you have to stop making excuses!
You’re tired of being broke, right? If you are, start manning up!
You can do one tip at a time then move on to the next until they all become a habit.
Before you know it, that habit is already your lifestyle.
And the good news is you have a choice not to be broke.